An assessment of commercial Stirling engines for tri-generation systems

Autor/autori: Krisztina UZUNEANU, Dan SCARPETE, Veselka KAMBUROVA

Rezumat: In lucrare se face o analiza a beneficiilor si limitarilor utilizarii motoarelor Stirling ca motoare primare in sistemele de trigenerare. Motoarele Stirling au randamentul termic cel mai ridicat, urmate de motoarele cu ardere interna. Motoarele Stirling utizeaza o sursa exterioara de caldura, ceea ce simplifica designul, micsoreaza nivelul de zgomot si vibratii si permite folosirea mai multor tipuri de combustibili. Aceste aspecte fac din motorul Stirling o alternativa la motorul cu ardere interna.

Cuvinte cheie: trigenerare, motor Stirling, randamente, costuri

Abstract: In this paper an analysis is made from the point of view of benefits and limitations of the Stirling engines as prime movers in micro –CCHP systems. The thermal efficiency is better for micro-CCHP systems with Stirling engines followed by reciprocating engines. Stirling engines use an external heat source, which simplifies design, minimizes noise and vibration, and allow multi-fuel use. These features make the Stirling engine a promising alternative to the internal combustion engine.

Keywords: trigeneration, Stirling engine, efficiency, costs