Autor/autori: Arpad TÖRÖK, Stoian PETRESCU, Gheorghe POPESCU, Michel FEIDT (Franta)
Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta contributiile teoretice si practice ale autorilor pentru dezvoltarea sistemelor de comprimare si destindere ale gazelor si vaporilor, in care desfasurarea proceselor capata un caracter aproape izotermic. La inceput, pe baza Termodinamicii cu Viteza Finita, sunt analizate caracteristicile transformarilor politropice care au loc in instalatiile reale din stadiul actual al tehnicii. In partea a doua a lucrarii sunt propuse citeva metode originale si sunt descrise citeva instalatii noi in care exponentul politropic al transformarii este micsorat din ce in ce mai mult. Prin combinarea acestor metode se obtine un exponent politropic aproape unitar.
Cuvinte cheie: comprimarea si destinderea gazelor si vaporilor, procese politropice, procese izotermice
Abstract: This paper presents theoretical and practical contributions of the authors for the development of systems by compression and expansion of gases and vapors, where the process becomes almost isothermal. At first, based on Thermodynamics with Finite Speed, are analyzed the characteristics of polytropic transformations that occur in actual installations of state of the art. In the second part of the paper, are proposed several original methods and are described several new devices, where the polytropic exponent of the transformation is reduced more. By combining these methods an almost unitary polytropic exponent is obtained
Keywords: compression and expansion of gases and vapors, polytropic processes, isothermal processes