Etude expérimentale du fonctionnement au cliquetis du moteur diesel dual-fuel

Autor/autori: Mohand Said LOUNICI (France), Mohand TAZEROUT (France), Dan Catalin NICULESCU, Radu CHIRIAC

Rezumat: Aceasta lucrare prezinta rezultatele unui studiu experimental al fenomenului de ardere cu detonatie ce se poate produce intr-un motor cu ardere interna alimentat dual in admisie cu gaz natural de retea si cu injectie pilot de motorina 10%. Articolul contine o trecere in revista a principalelor proprietati fizico-chimice ale gazului natural, descrierea standului experimental si studiul experimental propriuzis ce cuprinde o analiza a rezultatelor obtinute. Intensitatea detonatiei este evaluata in doua moduri: prin valoarea maxima “varf la varf” a oscilatiilor semnalului de presiune filtrat (IC) si respectiv, prin valoarea maxima a valorilor absolute a oscilatiilor semnalului de presiune filtrat (MAPO). De asemenea sunt prezentate diferite corelatii care se pot stabili intre acesti indici si principalii parametrii caracteristici ai arderii din motor estimandu-se in acest fel influentele determinate de regimul functional al motorului asupra fenomenului studiat. This work describes the results of an experimental study on the combustion knock phenomenon that can occur in an internal combustion engine which is dual-fueled with mix natural gas in intake and with diesel pilot injection 10%.

Cuvinte cheie: detonatie, alimentare duala, gaz natural

Abstract: This work describes the results of an experimental study on the combustion knock phenomenon that can occur in an internal combustion engine which is dual-fueled with mix natural gas in intake and with diesel pilot injection 10%. This paper contains a presentation of main physical-chemical proprieties of the natural gas, the description of the experimental test bench and the experimental study itself with an analysis of the registered results. The knock intensity is evaluated in two ways: by the maximum "peak-to-peak" value of the filtered pressure oscillations signal (IC) and respectively, by the maximum value of the absolute values of the filtered pressure oscillations signal (MAPO). In the same time different correlations are presented which can be set up between these knock indexes and the main combustion characteristic parameters assessing this way the influences of the engine operating condition on the studied phenomenon.

Keywords: knock, dual-fuel, natural gaz