Autor/autori: PhD., Gheorghe MANOLACHE, PhD., Edward RAKOSI, PhD., Sorin TALIF

Rezumat: Propunându-se o forma originalaa periferiei segmentilor de comprimare din motorul cu ardere interna, lucrarea analizeaza influenta înclinarii suprafetei acestora asupra regimului de ungere a segmentilor. Modelul dezvoltat urmareste optimizarea regimului de ungere prin alegerea unei plaje corecte de valori între care se poate situa înclinarea periferiei astfel încât sa se echilibreze consumul de ulei si marimea pierderilor cauzate de frecarea din cupla segment-cilindru.

Cuvinte cheie: segment, cilindrul motorului, ungere în motorul cu ardere interna

Abstract: The paper analyses how certain engine constructive parameters affect the optimum transversal shape of the compression piston rings. Assuming that the peripheral surface of the ring has a conical shape, the model we have developed allows the exact determination of the outer surface geometry, in order to obtain better lubrication conditions to lower friction ware, increase the mechanical efficiency of the piston – cylinder line coupling and to reduce fuel consumption. Two different engine types were taken in to account (spark ignition and respectively compression ignition engine) and the influence of the piston ring geometry over the engine’s performances was emphasized.

Keywords: piston ring, cylinder line, lubrication, internal combustion engine